A New Beginning – Diabetes Blessings Week Day 1

Today is the first day of Diabetes Blessings Week, and what better way to kick things off than with a post about what I consider the first blessing that came as a result of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

I’ve made no bones about the fact that if it weren’t for diabetes, I wouldn’t have found out that I had congestive heart failure before it was too late.  The yeast infection I developed, which is common among people with diabetes, led to that life saving doctor visit.

Quite simply, my diagnosis presented me with a new beginning; a clean slate on which to plan and develop a healthier, more fulfilling life.

I was forced me to take a hard look at many aspects of my life, including my eating habits and the amount of physical activity in my life, and ultimately make decisions necessary to gain some resemblance of control over the situation.

I’m eating better, getting more exercise, and have lost some weight; all things that I’ve struggled with for years, yet have come about as a result of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes & CHF.

Second chances at life are a rare occurrence.  I am thankful to have been blessed with mine.

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4 Responses to A New Beginning – Diabetes Blessings Week Day 1

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention My Diabetic Heart » Blog Archive » A New Beginning -- Topsy.com

  2. Crystal says:

    Thanks, Diabetes, for keeping Mike around!! xoxo

  3. Karen says:

    That is quite a blessing. Thank goodness diabetes brought you to the doctor when it did.

  4. k2 says:

    Dear Diabetes –
    Thank you for keeping our friend Mike with us!

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